Articles On Education Issues That May Impact Parent Engagement
Too many parents don't know what types of issues may end up surfacing in their community. They don't usually know how to fight a problem or support a good cause. They don't know the power of coming together for a cause. Please keep in mind that these articles are not products of Parent Engagement Solutions and do not represent the work we do. They are offered here for the purpose of increasing your general knowledge of associated subject matter. What is affecting teachers? What ideas are surfacing? What battles are others waging?
The need for parents to be engaged is found in these articles; the reasons this work matters; what parents and educators in other parts of the country or the world are concerned about. Parent engagement solutions are needed so other problems can be solved. As you read you will learn about other views and insights, and it might cause you to open a dialogue with someone else. These articles may support your beliefs or challenge them. Either is a good thing, because learning is always good. Please feel free to look around and we hope to have a forum open soon where more dialogue can happen.
The need for parents to be engaged is found in these articles; the reasons this work matters; what parents and educators in other parts of the country or the world are concerned about. Parent engagement solutions are needed so other problems can be solved. As you read you will learn about other views and insights, and it might cause you to open a dialogue with someone else. These articles may support your beliefs or challenge them. Either is a good thing, because learning is always good. Please feel free to look around and we hope to have a forum open soon where more dialogue can happen.