Our On-Site Services
When wanted and necessary, we are able to provide on-site consulting services to accelerate improvements. This includes traveling to your community, attending meetings, facilitating meetings, conducting training workshops, observing and analyzing the cultural "feel" of interactions, and other experiences that require our presence.
We typically do quite a bit of research before arriving, and the bulk of the work will be done after we return to our offices through our remote services. But, there is something tangible and lasting that comes through the impressions of being onsite. |
Quite often, an onsite visit will clear up areas of confusion, strengthen relationships, and allow for immediate infusion of needed changes. It is valuable to meet the primary stakeholders tied to the account, and work more closely with key participants who are trying to improve their contributions and make more of a difference, On the other hand, we also have been forced to charge for our onsite time while being "chatted up" by people who are simply passing the time. We prefer to be more efficient than that, but it is part of the "people process" no matter where we go.